Print size: 5” x 5”
Design size: 4.58" x 4.58"
Print size: 5” x 5”
Design size: 4.58" x 4.58"
Print size: 5” x 5”
Design size: 4.58" x 4.58"
How to eat Pomegranates 🧃
Raw, juiced, dehydrated/fruit leather, preserved/jammed.
Deseeding a pomegranate can be a pain but it’s worth it.
Spoon Method: Begin by scoring the skin and separate the segments. You can hit the back of the pomegranante with a spoon to deseed into a bowl.
Water Method: Cut pomegranate into segments and submerg into a bowl and slowly deseed with your fingers
Pomegranates or varing sizes become available in September and are available through late winter.